Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jeff hits 50

That's 50 kilos, folks.

Mrs Doubleu has been a bit worried that she couldn't feel his ribs very easily. Then Pipes called Jeff "barrel-shaped." A walk to the vets confirmed he's hit a half-century, up 7kg since August.

This has almost certainly been because he's still been growing, he's now just 16 months, but still - the last thing we want is a fat dog... so the treats will have to be rationed. It appears though, that treats will still have to used, if today's performance is anything to go by.

Mrs Doubleu let Jeff have some off lead time in the snow at the park today. He stayed close for a while but then took off up a steep hill through the trees. Mrs Doubleu chased and rounded a corner to see Jeff homing in on a dog training lesson. Imagine if you will, a dozen dogs, all off-lead, sitting nicely in a line next to their owners facing the class leader. Imagine 50 kilos of Bernese Mountain Dog excitedly bouncing into the group then licking, nuzzling and jumping on these dogs. Order vanished, chaos ensued.

The last the class saw of Jeff was Mrs Doubleu persuing him down the hill again after he'd spotted another group of dogs to harass / greet. For that class, I think Jeff will be forever used as an example of how not to behave.

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